ISRO successfully launched 3rd gen meteorological satellite INSAT-3DS


ISRO successfully launched 3rd gen meteorological satellite INSAT-3DS 

India (ISRO)achieved another milestone in its space exploration journey on Saturday evening at 5:30 p. m. with the successful launch of its third-generation meteorological satellite, INSAT-3DS. The satellite, carried 2,274 kg, was lifted by GSLV-F14 (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) rocket, which is also called as "Naughty Boy". This significant achievement enhances in India's meteorological observation capabilities at par with the space superpowers. 

INSAT-3DS will be joined its predecessors INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR, which aim to enhance meteorological observations, monitor land and ocean surfaces, and bolster weather forecasting and disaster warning systems. 

The GSLV rocket, , successfully deployed INSAT-3DS into the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO), marking a critical step towards its final destination in the Geo-Stationary Orbit (GSO).
ISRO outlined the primary objectives of the mission, including Earth surface monitoring, oceanic observations, and atmospheric parameter profiling. The satellite's advanced payloads, including Channel Imager, Channel Sounder, Data Relay Transponder (DRT), and Satellite-aided Search and Rescue (SA&SR) transponders, will facilitate comprehensive data collection and dissemination.

The deployment of INSAT-3DS sets a new era in meteorological data acquisition and analysis. Various departments under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, including the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), will harness the satellite's data to provide enhanced weather forecasts and vital meteorological services.

ISRO outlined the primary objectives of the mission, including Earth surface monitoring, oceanic observations, and atmospheric parameter profiling like extreme thunderstorm,weather conditions etc. The satellite's advanced payloads, including Channel Imager, Channel Sounder, Data Relay Transponder (DRT), and Satellite-aided Search and Rescue (SA&SR) transponders, will facilitate comprehensive data collection and dissemination.
